Okay, serious weight loss advocates, hold onto your
hats!!! This first secret is going to take your breath away!
I know, I know, I know........this short sentence flies against reason, experience, and group consciousness but I believe it's true. And here's why I do. I know many mature (50+) people who eat like horses, don't exercise (don't appear to move much at all) and still they have no issue with weight. It's so annoying! But, if it's all about calories, this shouldn't be possible.
In my 28 years working in the field of Clinical Hypnotherapy, I have learned a lot from my clients. With the use of intelligent Hypnosis, 95% of clients lose weight without a big exercise program, or calorie counting. How? The Clinical Hypnotherapist helps the client change his/her beliefs about food, weight loss, personal power, self esteem, etc which results in the body releasing unwanted/unneeded pounds.
I attribute a major percentage of weight issues to a very powerful coping mechanism. It's a mechanism called "armoring" that I have encountered many times when working with individuals who want to lose weight. People who were raised by critical parents often develop a sense of personal powerlessness as children that inspires them to "beef up"....to expand their sense of safety by literally putting more distance between their body core and other people. Think about it. It's a really logical and brilliant adjustment for children who feel unsafe and powerless as they grow up. Unfortunately, the whole beefing up thing just doesn't play well for adults in the real world. Weighing more than you choose to weigh actually can make things harder socially for a person, but that child-learned compensation can get stuck in a person's coping arsenal, so that it becomes an entirely unconscious process that continues to affect body weight in adulthood.
In my experience as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have found that as many as 60-70% of clients dealing with weight issues are also dealing with critical spouses, bosses or parents. The good news is that after the client begins to develop a sense of personal power, and stops allowing others to mistreat him/her, the weight begins to fall off. It's truly amazing!
So, if you choose to release some weight, interview yourself and see if you fall into that category of people who have not yet discovered their own personal power. Your extra weight may have very little to do with calories, and much more to do with the way you interact with others, and your own sense of personal power.
Remember, your mind is limitless. Learn how to use it to get what you want! If you'd like a quick study guide on using your mind to make dynamic, powerful changes in your life and your body, check out Quantum Self Hypnosis It's a best-selling book I wrote to demystify the process of Self Hypnosis, and I've gotten rave reviews from many readers. If you're interested in a shortcut to improving your life in a myriad of ways, check it out!
If you've been curious about what it takes to become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, please visit NEIH. Our trainings are comprehensive and affordable, and we are always happy to answer your questions.
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